- Affiliate Faculty Status
To be eligible for Affiliate Status, you must:
- Be retired from the Great Falls College MSU.
- Still be affiliated in some way with your department. For example, you might be teaching
part-time, doing consulting with the department, or volunteering for the College.
- Complete a Change of Status form and obtain the signatures of your department chair
and the Dean.
- Return your completed form to the Senior Librarian so that your Affiliate Faculty status can be initiated.
- Appeal Policy
Before filing an appeal, the patron should first have talked to library staff about the fine in question in order to clarify the reason for the fine. If, at that time, the patron is still concerned about the fine, s/he should file an appeal.
Patrons who wish to appeal are still responsible for the borrowed item(s). Fines can continue to accrue if the item has not been returned.
Fine appeals will not generally be considered for any of the following reasons:
- Any fine or charge that has been referred to the Business Office.
- Lack of familiarity with borrower policies. Circulation information is posted at the
checkout desk and on the library’s web site.
- Items returned for a patron by another person.
- Items returned to another library.
- The patron lent a checked out item to someone else.
- The patron has disregarded a request for a recalled book.
After completing a fine/lost book appeal form, the patron must make an appointment
to meet with the Senior Librarian regarding the appeal. The Senior Librarian may uphold,
waive, or reduce the fine. A decision will be made and communicated with the patron
within 30 days of the filing of an appeal.
- Children in the Library Policy
See the College catalog for more information.
- Community Borrower Policies
- Community Borrower Cards are issued for one year, but may be renewed. Your Borrower's
Card is necessary to check out library materials. Lost cards should be reported promptly.
A borrower is responsible for all items checked out on his/her card.
- Community borrowers are limited to 5 items checked out at a time. Materials under
heavy demand by MSU-Great Falls students and/or faculty may be withheld or recalled
at the librarian's discretion. Borrowed items may be renewed once unless someone else
has requested their use. Renewals may be done in person or over the phone.
- Circulating books in the general collection may be checked out for a period of 3 weeks.
AV materials circulate for 3 days. The most recent issues of periodicals do not circulate,
but may be used in the library. Back issues of journals, magazines and newspapers
circulate for 3 days. All items are subject to recall after 3 weeks, if requested
by another patron.
- Fines for 3-week loan items and periodicals are assessed at $0.50 per day/per item.
Overdue AV materials accrue at $2.00 per item/per day.
- A patron is responsible for damages to library materials while checked out under his/her
account. Damaged items may be assessed a fine, depending on the extent of damage.
An item returned in such a condition that it must be replaced will be treated as lost
(see below). All damaged items remain the property of the library.
- Late materials accruing fines up to $25.00 will be considered lost. Library materials
more than 30 days overdue are also considered lost. If an item is lost, you will be
billed the replacement cost of the item plus a $20.00 processing fee. If the item
is no longer in print, you will be billed the average cost for a book/video in the
same general subject area, plus the $20.00 processing fee. Lost material bills are
transferred to the Business Office for collection.
- Borrowing privileges may be revoked for failure to return items, pay fines, or pay for lost materials.
- Students phoning or e-mailing requests for materials must provide the following information
in order for requests to be filled: name, student ID number, address, phone number
and e-mail address. Students coming to the library to check out materials will need
a student ID or a photo ID and proof of current registration. Students who reside
outside of Montana should call or email to make arrangements for the delivery of materials.
- Circulating books in the general collection may be checked out for a period of 3 weeks.
AV materials circulate for 3 days. All items are renewable once if they are not requested
by another patron. Renewals may be made in person, by phone, or by email; please contact
us in advance of the due date to avoid fines. All items are subject to recall after
3 weeks, if requested by another patron. A week is added to the circulation time for
any item mailed to a distance student. The library pays postage one-way; the borrower
is responsible for return postage.
- Items borrowed through interlibrary loan are subject to the circulation times of the
lending library and may differ from those of GFCMSU.
- Journal articles will usually be photocopied for distance students. We can also photocopy
information from resources that do not circulate, such as reference books. Photocopies
do not need to be returned to the library.
- Fines for 3-week loan items are assessed at $0.50 per day/per item. Overdue interlibrary
loans accrue at $1.00 per day. There is no maximum fine for interlibrary loan items.
Overdue AV materials accrue at $2.00 per item/per day. Fines will also be assessed
for damaged items.
- A patron is responsible for damages to library materials while checked out under his/her
account. Damaged items may be assessed a fine, depending on the extent of damage.
An item returned in such a condition that it must be replaced will be treated as lost
(see below). All damaged items remain the property of the library.
- At the end of each semester, unpaid fines will be transferred to the Business Office
for collection. The Business Office will add the amount due to your student account
and may withhold academic transcripts and other university services from you until
the amount is paid in full.
- Late materials accruing fines up to $25.00 will be considered lost. Library materials
more than 30 days overdue are also considered lost. If an item is lost, you will be
billed the replacement cost of the item plus a $20.00 processing fee. If the item
is no longer in print, you will be billed the average cost for a book/video in the
same general subject area, plus the $20.00 processing fee. Lost material bills are
transferred to the Business Office for collection. The Business Office will add the
amount due to your student account and may withhold transcripts and other university
services from you until the amount is paid in full.
- Borrowing privileges will be suspended if your library fines accrue to $25.00, your bills are transferred to the Business Office, and/or recalled items and interlibrary loan materials are not returned on time.
- Faculty/Staff Borrower Policies
- Please present your State of Montana ID Card or some other picture ID for checking
out library materials. Student assistants will not know every faculty and staff member,
and this will assure materials are properly checked out.
- Circulating books in the general collection may be checked out for an academic semester.
The due date is the last day of classes. AV materials may be checked out for 3 weeks.
Periodicals, except for current issues, circulate for 3 days. All items may be renewed
once. All items are subject to recall after 3 weeks, if requested by another patron.
Faculty and staff may also check out usually restricted items (such as reference books,
Montana college catalogs, and current periodicals) when needed for instruction or
college business. Faculty who fail to return items after 1 renewal or who do not return
recalled items will be assessed for a lost item. (see below)
- A patron is responsible for damages to library materials while checked out under his/her
account. Damaged items may be assessed a fine, depending on the extent of damage.
An item returned in such a condition that it must be replaced will be treated as lost
(see below). All damaged items remain the property of the library.
- If an item is lost, the patron will be billed the replacement cost of the item plus a $20.00 processing fee. If the item is no longer in print, an average cost is calculated, plus the $20.00 processing fee.
- Graduate Student Borrow Policies
- A current MSU Student ID is necessary to check out library materials.
- Circulating books in the general collection may be checked out for an academic semester.
The due date is the last day of classes. AV materials may be checked out for 3 weeks.
Periodicals, except for current issues, circulate for 3 days. All items may be renewed
once. All items are subject to recall after 3 weeks, if requested by another patron.
- Fines for overdue books and periodicals are assessed at $0.50 per day/per item. Overdue
reserve materials accrue at $2.00 per item/per hour, up to a daily maximum of $14.00
per item. Overdue interlibrary loans accrue at $1.00 per day. There is no maximum
fine for interlibrary loan items. Overdue AV materials accrue at $2.00 per item/per
- A patron is responsible for damages to library materials while checked out under his/her
account. Damaged items may be assessed a fine, depending on the extent of damage.
An item returned in such a condition that it must be replaced will be treated as lost
(see below). All damaged items remain the property of the library.
- At the end of each semester, unpaid fines will be transferred to the Business Office
for collection. The Business Office will add the amount due to your student account
and may withhold academic transcripts and other university services from you until
the amount is paid in full.
- Late materials accruing fines up to $25 will be considered lost. Library materials
more than 30 days overdue are also considered lost. If an item is lost, you will be
billed the replacement cost of the item plus a $20.00 processing fee. If the item
is no longer in print, you will be billed the average cost for a book/video in the
same general subject area, plus the $20.00 processing fee. If a periodical issue is
no longer in print, you will be billed a flat $25 fee. Lost material bills are transferred
to the Business Office for collection. The Business Office will add the amount due
to your student account and may withhold academic transcripts and other university
services from you until the amount is paid in full.
- Borrowing privileges will be suspended if your library fines accrue to $25, your bills are transferred to the Business Office, and/or recalled items and interlibrary loan materials are not returned on time.
- Group Study Room Policies
- All requests for use are on a first come/first served basis.
- The group study rooms are intended to be used by groups of 2 or more students.
- Reservations are encouraged.
All reservations should be made from 1 working day to 1 week in advance. " Walk-in" use will be accommodated based on scheduled use.
The individual who reserves the room must accept responsibility for it.
Reservations must be made, in person, by presenting a valid MSU ID at the Library circulation desk. Reservation requests are limited to 1 reservation per day or 2 reservations per week.Group study rooms may be reserved only by registered MSU students. Exceptions to this rule may be requested by contacting the GFCMSU Campus Library circulation desk 1 working day in advance. Exceptions may be granted based on expected student demand and are determined on a case-by-case basis.
GFCMSU reserves the right to deny requests by non-students. GFCMSU Campus Library reserves the right to deny requests or cancel reservations when appropriate.
Rooms can be reserved for up to 2 hours with the possibility of an additional 2 hour "renewal". Renewals are dependant upon scheduled use and may be denied.
- Rooms not checked out 10 minutes after the start of the reservation period will be
made available to other patrons. Failure to use reserved time may result in a denial
of future reservations. Also, once you leave the study room, it is available for other
students to use - your reservation is only valid as long as you occupy the room.
- Do not leave unattended belongings in the study rooms. Unattended items may be removed
and you may lose study room privileges. The Library assumes no responsibility for
personal property left in the rooms. Any personal items found will be placed in the
Library's lost and found.
- Windows may not be obstructed.
- Please clean up the room when you leave and report any problems to the library staff. If any damage or excessive mess is discovered after your use, you may be held responsible or lose study room privileges.
- Laptop Checkout Policies
Check out:
- Users must agree to the terms of checkout by signing a Library Laptop Checkout Agreement.
This includes assuming financial responsibility for the equipment.
- Privileges will be revoked for any patron violating the use agreement. In addition,
any blocks on a patron record (overdue fines, etc.) will also prohibit laptop borrowing.
- A valid MSU ID card must be shown to check out a laptop.
Community library users (courtesy borrowers) will not be eligible to check out laptop computers, but will be directed to use Library desktop computers. - Laptops will be checked out for 2 hours or until the Library closes, if that is less
than 2 hours; one renewal may be allowed, depending on availability. Laptops should
be returned 15 minutes before the Library closes. $2.00 per hour overdue fines will
be accessed.
- Power cords and external floppy drives will be checked out with laptops by request. Laptops will have a battery life of up to 3½ hours. Electrical outlets are available throughout the Library.
Laptop use:
- Laptops are for use only in the Library and may not leave the Library.
- Borrowers must agree to not leave a laptop unattended and to refrain from having food
and/or drink around the unit.
- Users must comply with MUS Board of Regents and MSUGF policies for computer and network
- Borrowers are expected to refrain from installing, deleting, modifying, or otherwise
altering any hardware, software or data on the laptops, including display and desktop
configurations. Saving to an external pen drive is recommended, but files can be saved
to a disk, emailed, or saved to assigned server storage space on the campus network.
- Printing is available to laptop users. The default printer is the 4300 printer located
in the computer lab.
- Users should be aware that campus computers are not private or guaranteed secure and
use of personal information should be kept to a minimum.
- Users should immediately report any problems with a laptop to a Library staff member.
- Each laptop must be returned to a Library staff member. Library staff will check each laptop in and complete the checkout agreement.
- Library Conduct Policy
Users of the MSU-Great Falls Weaver Library should expect a safe, secure, and comfortable environment conducive to study and research. To insure this kind of environment, the library expects its users to follow library and campus rules, policies, and procedures.
To maintain the library as a comfortable and safe space, the following conduct expectations will be enforced by library staff, including library student employees:
- Sounds from any personal electronic equipment including cell phones, laptops, audio
players, and other mobile devices must be inaudible to other users.
- Food and drink should be restricted to snack-type items and all beverage containers
must have a lid.
- Children under the age of 14 must be accompanied by an adult and must remain with
that adult.
- Computers are provided in the library for academic support and academic use takes
precedence over all other use. Users should not tie up library or computer lab computers
with non-academic activities and may be asked to relinquish their computer to another
user. Users viewing pornographic, graphically violent, or other disruptive online
or print materials may be asked to move to a different workstation or to leave the
library, at the discretion of the Director of Library Services. Public users, students
and university employees are subject to the Board of Regents Information Technology
policies and procedures: http://bor.montana.edu/borpol/bor1300/bor1300.asp.
- Permanently altering settings on library computers, software or peripherals such
as scanners is not permitted.
- Users who leave a work station or library table in such a condition that another user cannot use the space may have library use privileges revoked temporarily or permanently.
- Exhibiting behaviors that are disruptive to other users or library staff members may result in a request to leave the library.
- Users must not interfere with a library staff member's performance of his or her duties.
- Users are solely responsible for their personal property.
- Library materials should be handled carefully. Users must not mutilate library materials by marking, underlining, removing pages or portions of pages. Removing a binding, removing electronic theft detection devices or barcodes, or in any other way defacing library materials is prohibited and the user responsible may incur a repair or replacement charge.
- Library materials must not be concealed in the Library for the exclusive use of individuals or groups.
- Users are responsible for obeying applicable intellectual property law, including the U.S. Copyright Law.
Right to Refuse Service
The library staff has an obligation to manage disruptive behaviors quickly and professionally.
The MSU-Great Falls Weaver Library Staff reserve the right to refuse service to library
users who act in ways that disrupt other library users, library staff, or library
facilities. Such behaviors include:
- refusal to follow library and campus rules and policies;
- harassment of other library users or library staff;
- personal hygiene issues that affect other library users, library staff, or library
facilities; and/or
- threatening or violent behaviorr.
Any user exhibiting such behavior will be asked to cease; continued violations may necessitate banning that user from the library. If the user is a student, the violation may fall under the MSU-Great Falls Student Conduct Code.
- Library polices
- Campus policies
- Student conduct policies
- MUS computer use policies
- Reserve Materials Policy
At the MSU-Great Falls Weaver Library, there are books, copies of articles from periodicals, videotapes, and other materials that faculty members have reserved in print or online to support course work. Because these materials are in high demand, they may be used for limited amounts of time. The circulation period is determined by the instructor placing the item on reserve. Faculty will be notified at the end of every semester to review materials. Electronic reserve materials are saved and made available online via the College’s learning management system, Desire2Learn. All materials on reserve are listed in the library catalog.
Circulating Reserve materials:
1. To retrieve an item, find the OR number and bring it to the circulation desk.
2. A current MSU-Great Falls Student ID is necessary to check out reserve materials. A Student ID can be obtained from Student Services.
3. Reserve items check out for the amount of time set by the instructor. This time period is indicated on each item. Materials marked LIBRARY USE ONLY may not leave the library.
4. Checkouts are limited to 3 items per patron.
5. It is the responsibility of the borrower to return reserve material on time. Keeping a reserve item beyond the specified time may prevent other students from reading required material and is regarded as a serious academic offense. For this reason, fines for overdue reserve items are high:
- Fines for materials that circulate for 2 hours are $2.00 per hour/per item, up to a daily maximum of $14.00, until the item is returned.
- Fines for materials that circulate overnight or longer are $2.00 per day/per item, up to a daily maximum of $14.00, until the item is returned.
6. Renewing reserve materials is not allowed.
7. Borrowing privileges will be suspended if your library fines accrue to $25.00 and your bills will be transferred to the Business Office. At the end of each semester, all unpaid fines are sent to the Business Office. The Business Office will add the amount due to your student account and may withhold transcripts and other university services from you until the amount is paid in full.
Electronic reserve materials:
1. To access electronic reserve materials, follow the online registration directions at: http://library.gfcmsu.edu/ElectronicReserves.html .
2. Guidelines for submission and file maintenance:
- The preferred format for submission of materials is PDF and file size is limited by the parameters of the D2L course management system.
- The library staff will provide assistance to faculty needing help converting files.
- If paper copies are submitted, please allow 2-3 business days for materials to be scanned and uploaded to D2L.
- Original copies of materials will be returned to the rightful owner upon completion.
3. The library staff will retain files on D2L for 2 years unless otherwise notified by faculty.
4. At the end of the semester all files that have not received publisher permission will be removed from the system.
5. Access to e-reserves is limited to students enrolled in classes and protected by password. Students have the right to make one copy of material placed on e-reserve for their personal academic use. All e-reserve items will be prefaced with a notice that the work is protected under copyright law.
The Weaver Library adheres to copyright law as expressed in Title 17 U.S.C. The same principles that govern traditional reserves apply to electronic reserves. The library only places material on e-reserve if it conforms to the principles of fair use as outlined in Section 107. Each item will be judged according to the following criteria to determine whether it conforms to the fair use principle: (a) the purpose and character of the use; (b) the nature of the copyrighted work; (c) the amount of the portion used; (d) the effect of the use on the market for the work.
In general, the library can place one article from a journal issue or one chapter
from a book without seeking copyright clearance. Any request for multiple chapters
or articles from a single issue will require permission from the publisher before
being placed on e-reserve. It is the responsibility of the instructor requesting
the reserve material to seek permission from the publisher if the amount of material
from a book or journal issue exceeds this standard.
Please contact the library staff at 406-771-4398 with any questions or concerns.
- Undergraduate Borrower Policies
- A current MSU Student ID is necessary to check out library materials. An ID can be
obtained from Admissions.
- Circulating books in the general collection may be checked out for a period of 3 weeks.
AV materials circulate for 3 days. The most recent issues of periodicals do not circulate,
but may be used in the library. Back issues of journals, magazines and newspapers
circulate for 3 days. All items are renewable once if they are not requested by another
patron. Renewals may be made in person or by phone. All items are subject to recall
after 3 weeks, if requested by another patron.
- Fines for 3-week loan items and periodicals are assessed at $0.50 per day/per item.
Overdue reserve materials accrue at $2.00 per item/per hour, up to a daily maximum
of $14.00 per item. Overdue interlibrary loans accrue at $1.00 per day. There is no
maximum fine for interlibrary loan items. Overdue AV materials accrue at $2.00 per
item/per day.
- A patron is responsible for damages to library materials while checked out under his/her
account. Damaged items may be assessed a fine, depending on the extent of damage.
An item returned in such a condition that it must be replaced will be treated as lost
(see below). All damaged items remain the property of the library.
- At the end of each semester, unpaid fines will be transferred to the Business Office
for collection. The Business Office will add the amount due to your student account
and may withhold academic transcripts and other university services from you until
the amount is paid in full.
- Late materials accruing fines up to $25.00 will be considered lost. Library materials
more than 30 days overdue are also considered lost. If an item is lost, you will be
billed the replacement cost of the item plus a $20.00 processing fee. If the item
is no longer in print, you will be billed the average cost for a book/video in the
same general subject area, plus the $20.00 processing fee. If a periodical issue is
no longer in print, you will be billed a flat $25 fee. Lost material bills are transferred
to the Business Office for collection. The Business Office will add the amount due
to your student account and may withhold academic transcripts and other university
services from you until the amount is paid in full.
- Borrowing privileges will be suspended if your library fines accrue to $25.00, your bills are transferred to the Business Office, and/or recalled items and interlibrary loan materials are not returned on time.