Meeting Information

Date: Every second Monday of the Month, starts November 13th

Where: Weaver Library, Great Falls College MSU

Time: 5-6 PM

Read Your Own Book (RYOB)

The theme of this book club is "Read Your Own Book," or RYOB! We want everyone to have the flexibility to read what they like and to explore new books. How it works: Read what you want at a pace that is right for you. Come to book club prepared to share something about your book. Examples include: characters you like/dislike, general impression of the story, other elements of the story you like/dislike. Share as much or as little as you are comfortable sharing. 

Code of Conduct

As book club members we agree: 

  • to exercise consideration and respect in your speech and actions;
  • to be flexible and open to a range of topics, ideas, and perspectives;
  • it's okay to disagree as long as it is done respectfully (no inappropriate, discriminitory, or harrassing behavior and speech);
  • discussions and opinions shared during book club should remain confidential (unless it falls under the college's mandatory reporting policy; all faculty and staff are mandatory reporters);
  • follow all college policies and procedures; and
  • have fun!

Contact Information

Weaver Library, Great Falls College MSU
2100 16th Avenue South
Great Falls, MT 59405

Library Director:

Ashlynn Maczko


poster decorated with book graphics, announcing the faculty, staff & student book club. RYOB - Read Your Own Book. Starts Nov. 13. Weaver Library. Every 2nd Monday of the month, 5-6 PM. RYOB! Read what you want when you want. No pressure book club. Come prepared to discuss what you have been reading, even if you haven't finished reading it.


Weaver Library

2100 16th Avenue South
Great Falls, MT 59405
